In a Past Life Regression we always ask to speak to the Higher self. It is here we can find the answers to questions, understand the greater purpose, and heal.
About Tom Taylor
Tom Taylor is a client and friend who has the ability to go into a deep trance through meditation or hypnotic induction. During our sessions together we have had the pleasure of exploring many different topics both physical and metaphysical by conversing with Tom's 'Higher Self' and sometimes other entities. Below, are excerpts from our sessions of topics of interest.
Full-length Sessions
"Uncle Pat" Speaks
September 8, 2013
Uncle Pat talks about animals, money, awareness of the cells of the body, being a spiritual being having a physical experience.
Listen to the recording (47 minutes)
Tom Speaks with a Nature Spirit, a Fairy
September 10, 2008
Tom communes with a Nature Spirit, a fairy. He talks about where they come from, what they look like, how to connect with them, how to recognize them, and how to help them take care of the earth.
Listen to the recording (16 minutes)
Quick Topics
2012 | Astral Travel | Chakra Clearing |
Soul Contracts | Happiness and Humor as the Connecting Force | Healing and Energy Work | Money |
Planet with Two Suns | Spirit Guides |
"The Shift" |
Watchung Reservation "Hotspot"
October 8, 2010
"Gabe", the entity we were talking with asked us not to believe in dates.
Listen to the recording (1 min 34)
March 9, 2009
Tom's Higher Self describes what will occur during 2012 suggesting that whatever happens is pre-determined.
Listen to the recording (3 min 45)
Astral Projection
October 8, 2010 Tom is being reminded on how to astral travel.
Listen to the recording (2 mins)
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
October 8, 2010
Tom had asked to have his chakras cleansed and balanced. This is a brief description of the process.
Listen to the recording (1 min 42)
Healing & Energy Work
October 8, 2010
I asked about the validity of Energy Medicine techniques such as the figure eight, rocking and tapping.
Listen to the recording (1 min 42)
March 9, 2009
The body's ability to heal itself.
Listen to the recording (3 mins 30)
March 9, 2009
The Higher Self did a healing of Tom's deviated septum.
Listen to the recording (8 mins 39)
Happiness & Humor as the Connecting Force
October 8, 2010
This recording tells how humour, happiness, compassion and joy are the emotions that connect you to your Spirit Guides and to All that is.
Listen to the recording (7 mins 15)
October 8, 2010
This is the response to my question about Tom's relationship with money.
Listen to the recording (2mins 31)
Planet with Two Suns
October 8, 2010
One of Tom's questions during the session was about an image of two suns. This recording explains what the image is and where it comes from.
Listen to the recording (1min 9)
Soul Contracts & "The Shift"
October 8, 2010
This excerpt talks about Soul Contracts and "The Shift".
Listen to the recording (2 mins 18)
Watchung Reservation as a "Hotspot"
October 8, 2010
This recording talks about a "Hotspot" in New Jersey's Watchung reservation -what it is and what is for. In this excerpt, Tom also describes the purpose of crop circles, and their roles in the ascension of the planet through collective consciousness.
Listen to the recording (5mins 52)
March 19, 2009
The Watchung reservation was described as a high energy place where Tom could go.
Listen to the recording (1 min 36)
Spirit Guides
October 8, 2010
This recording is a short excerpt describing Tom's relationship with his guides, "three friends". In previous incarnations, Tom had been their guides.
Note: Excerpts taken over the course of a 45-minute session.
Listen to the recording (3 mins)
Office Location
The Elila Center for Natural Healingp
430 Springfield Ave, Suite 209
Berkeley Heights, NJ