What is Past Life Regression useful for?
Where will the session take place?
Is it possible to have more than one past life?
Why are so many people Cleopatra?
What if I can't see anything?
How does the information come? Are you reading me?
What if I want to revisit a time in this lifetime?
Why does a Past Life Regression session take so long?
How many Past Life Regression sessions will I need?
Can I have more than one session if I want to?
Can I have a session just for fun?
Can I have someone in the session with me?
Why is it so expensive?
How is PLR Different to Quantum Healing Hypnosis?
Q: What is Past Life Regression useful for?
A: Past Life Regression can be a very useful way for you to work through, in one session, any physical, emotional or spiritual questions or problems you may have. Some common questions or problems are:
Relief from ailments and conditions which may be considered psychosomatic where your doctor can not find a physiological or psychological cause. These may include depression, addictions, anxiety, and phobias as well as physical conditions such as allergies to food or the environment, intestinal issues, migraines, |
Understanding current or past difficult or challenging relationships with spouses, partners or family members |
Getting direction in your life . People often come in with, "I feel stuck", or "I feel I should be doing more." |
Remembering lost time |
Life Purpose |
Q: Where will the session take place?
A: The session will take place at our healing studio in Berkeley Heights. The complete address is given below in the footer.
Q: Is it possible to have more than one past life?
A: Yes. In fact it is quite common for people to experience two or three lives during the session. As we move forward in the life time that we're watching, you may 'jump' to another life. This happens so regularly that I consider that first life like a warm-up! Each life however always has relevance to the questions asked, or the overall message the subconscious wants you to understand.
Q: Why are there so many Cleopatras etc?
A: From my own experience and based on the experience of other PLR therapists I've talked to or heard speak, it is in fact very rare to get a famous person. Most people suprisingly tell of quite ordinary, unremarkable lives. That said, Dolores Cannon, in her experience has learned that lives can be, for want of a better term, 'downloaded' or 'imprinted''. The lessons and experiences of the downloaded life become integrated on all levels. The integration is so complete that during a regression, you will not know which lives are the downloads. They are as real as any other; the lessons and experiences have contributed to make up the whole that is you. These lives, therefore, are as valid as one actually lived. This theory explains how there can be many Cleopatras. A similar theory put forth by Vianna Stibal is that lives may be drawn from Universal Consciousness.
Q: How does the information come? Are you reading me?
A: No, I'm not reading you. I will put you in a deeply relaxed meditative state using hypnosis and a relaxing guided meditation which takes you back in time and space. Once you have 'arrived', I will ask you to start describing what you see. You tell me and guide me rather than the other way around.
Q: What if I can't see anything?
A: Some people are very visual and can start seeing things right away. Other people find they get a sense of something. They may say something like, "I get the feeling I'm under water..." If this is you, that's ok, just describe whatever pops into your head. In time, you will eventually be able to see something.
You may also hear yourself saying, "This is silly. It's just my imagination. I'm making this up." Yes, you are right. It is your imagination. Using pictures and images is the only way your subconscious is able to communicate with you. You are not making it up. This becomes clear as the session progresses. You will find you get surprised by things. Many clients for instance are surprised at what they are wearing. If you were making it up, how could you be surprised?
So when, "I'm making this up. I'm imagining it" pops into your head, it's ok! But go ahead and describe what you're seeing anyway. The story you are seeing is being shown to you for a reason. You will be amazed at how the life or lives relate directly to this life.
If we find that after some time we still can not bypass the ego, I may recommend we reschedule at no additional charge to you, or if you feel this isn't the experience for you, you will not be charged for the session. That said, this has never happened to any of my clients so I am confident this type of thing will not happen to you.
Q: What if I want to revisit a time in this lifetime?
A: Yes, this is possible. The only difference is the method used to get you there.
Q: Why does a Past Life Regression session take so long?
A: The regression session alone is roughly 90 minutes. The other hour or so is divided between the pre-session discussion and the post-session discussion. It is not uncommon for sessions to run over time too. I recommend clearing your schedule for at least an hour afterwards in case the session goes over.
Q: How many Past Life Regression sessions will I need?
A: For most people, just the one. The goal is to resolve all issues and questions you want addressed in one session. If you think you would benefit from more than one session, we can set you up with a key word so that your next session will take roughly an 1 hour. This may happen if it took longer than usual to work through the induction and we ran out of time to speak with the subconscious.
I also have clients who after a year or two years have new questions and so book another full-length session.
Q: Can I have more than one session?
A: Sure! We will program you with a special keyword that will be used only in the safety of our studio. Using the keyword during the induction will enable you to go quickly and effortlessly into a deep state of relaxation. Follow-up sessions take around 1 hour to 90minutes depending on how many questions you have.
Q: Can I have a session just for fun?
A: Sure! But the steps will be the same.
Q: Can I have someone in the room with me?
A: No. You may feel like you need support but a lot of personal information can emerge during the session which you may not wish to share.
In addition, the laws of quantum physics show that results are influenced by the observer. I recommend you If someone drove you, I ask them to hang out at a coffee shop or bookstore for the duration. There are many places to choose from near the Elila Center studio.
Q: Why is it so expensive?
A: A session is three or more hours long. Many PLR practitioners or hypnotherapists offering PLR as a service charge well over $100 an hour. We decided to make our fee reasonable so more people could get the benefits from this amazing experience. It is more common than not to experience a miracle. I have heard regularly comments like, "I got more out of 3 years with you than 30 years of therapy." You will consider it well worth it when you experience for yourself the life-changing outcomes.
Read about other people's experiences on our testimonials page.
(If you have more questions, or would like to make an appointment, please email us at the email address below, or contact us through the form on our contact page).
Q: How is PLR Different to Quantum Healing Hypnosis?
A: There is no difference. Quantum Healing Hypnosis is the specifically Dolores Cannon's, technique or method of Past Life Regression. I learned this method directly from Dolores Cannon. I took her first class in 2007 and the Advanced class in 2009. The method is very gentle and nurturing, and effective.
(If you have more questions, or would like to make an appointment, please email us at the email address below, or contact us through the form on our contact page).
$475 flat fee*
(Sessions may take longer than 4 hours. Learn more about a PLR session on our FAQ page).
Book a session
$225 for a 2-hour follow-up session*
(Sessions may take longer than 2 hours. Learn more on our FAQ page)

Contact us for an appointment.

NEW! Sessions on YouTube
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Andrea's 2007 session with Dolores Cannon.
Jane's Session
Jane, a vegetarian of many years, had come in with a question about food allergies thatin the past 2 years had reduced her a diet of rice and meat. She experienced a complete healing. Listen
Tom's Session
Tom is a sonambulist, someone who goes very deep into trance and does not have conscious recollection afterwards of the session. In this session, he talked with a fairy! Listen
More sessions with Tom
Tristan's Session
Tristan's Higher Self described Tristan's soul as, "Every name in every form. It is Christ. It is Buddha. It is Krishna. It is God. It is the Source." Listen to his Higher Self provide answers to interesting quesitons! Listen