Past Life Regression is a method using hypnosis in which any physical, emotional and spiritual problem can be addressed. Although this method works on the premise of reincarnation, it does not matter whether you believe in it or not for you to have a wonderful experience. The only requirement is the ability to imagine. There is a part of human consciousness that oversees the life you are living now. I call this your Infinite Wisdom. Your imagination is the bridge through which your Infinite Wisdom can communicate to you using images, pictures, symbols, color and sounds.
Most often, the life you see during a regression session will bear relevance to what is going on in your life now because this is one way the subconscious mind can give you a message or answer your questions. This also means that the next time you have a session, you may be presented with quite a different life because there is a new message for you to hear.
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)
In addition to hypnotherapy training, I studied with Dolores Cannon, who developed Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), a gentle and highly effective PLR method.
To get an idea of what to expect, listen to Andrea's session with Dolores Cannon in 2007.
What to Expect from a Session
Sessions are 3-5 hours. Each session is broken into three parts:
Part 1
We begin with a preliminary discussion so I can understand what questions or problems you have that you wish resolved. I will need a clear idea so that I know what questions to ask during the session. During this time, I will also explain the process in detail and we will begin the induction process.
Part 2
The second part consists of the session itself. During the session you will be taken through at least one life -perhaps two depending on how long (or short) the first life was, and then we will speak with your subconscious. It is during this time that questions can be asked, issues can be resolved, and healing can occur.
Part 3
After you awaken, we will have a post-session discussion. We will talk briefly about your impressions and I will ask you to recount what you remember. We will also go over your initial list and discuss if and how the questions and issues were resolved. The intention for every session is for your Highest Good.
A word on Highest Good: Miracles occur on a regular basis in this work. Emotional healing, physical healing, and spiritual
connection. Know that healing can only occur if it is for your Highest Good. Sometimes, things are held because that is what is best. One client who asked for a healing of her irritable bowel syndrome was told by her Higher Self, or subconscious mind, that her discomfort acted as a stress barometer. She needed it to know when she was overly stressed so she could make appropriate changes.
To learn more about Past Life Regression, visit our Past Life Regression FAQ, or if you wish to make an appointment, please email us at the email address below, or contact us through the form on our contact page.
$475 flat fee*
(Sessions may take longer than 4 hours. Learn more about a PLR session on our FAQ page).
Book a session
$225 for a 2-hour follow-up session*
(Sessions may take longer than 2 hours. Learn more on our FAQ page)

Contact us for an appointment.

NEW! Sessions on YouTube
Andrea's Session
Andrea's 2007 session with Dolores Cannon.
Jane's Session
Jane, a vegetarian of many years, had come in with a question about food allergies that in the past 2 years had reduced her to a diet of rice and meat. She experienced a complete healing. Listen
Tom's Session
Tom is a sonambulist, someone who goes very deep into trance and does not have conscious recollection afterwards of the session. In this session, he talked with a fairy! Listen
More sessions with Tom
Tristan's Session
Tristan's Higher Self described Tristan's soul as, "Every name in every form. It is Christ. It is Buddha. It is Krishna. It is God. It is the Source." Listen to his Higher Self provide answers to interesting questions! Listen